Stuff A Roll In It, Pleeeease!

I would have to say that I’m very ‘child friendly’.  Most of my loved ones know that I simply cannot resist a cute, cuddly baby.  They are lovely bundles of smiles, and coos, and all the other ‘cheek pinching’ qualities.

I am typically patient, as well, when it comes to the dinky ones.  (Now, once they get past 4 or 5, my patience meter starts flashing in the red 😉 )  Anyway, when I am NOT patient, is when I’m seated in a restaurant and a baby/toddler has decided that all will suffer for some unknown reason.

Ahh, but I can hear you now, “How can you be impatient or irritated by a simple act of childishness?”  That is not what does the irritating, my friends.  The irritation comes from the selfish, arrogant parent who sits there stuffing his or her mouth with a nice piece of steak, while my ears are instantaneously melting.

Apparently, they are USED to the screaming tantrums of said child and just consider it normal behaviour for their child to be spewing mashed taters within a 10 foot perimeter.

I’m not going to give suggestions on how to better train your child…if you haven’t already figured it out, you won’t by reading this blog.  I’ll only give one suggestion, please do us all a favor and use it:

Order In.  And for your own peace of mind, get some extra rolls.